・SIZE ? Overall Height:200 mm (7.8″),Spout Height:115 mm (4.5″),Spout Length:130 mm (5.1″) ,Finish:Chrome
・WATER PRESSURE TEST ? The ceramic valves which is tested for up to 600,000 life cycles at 90 degrees. Every product is under Ultrahigh Hydraulic Pressure Test, which ensure no leak or burst problem.
・STRICT SUPFACE TERATMENT ? The YANNLII faucets by precision CNC grinding and polishing machine,then by hand-grinding multiple phass to ensure of no flaw in the surface of the product,corrosion resistance,timeless.
・HIGH QUALITY MADE ? The copper Wovier choose is in accordance with American and European international standards.
・? YANNLII manufactures premium faucets are at affordable prices.PACKAGE INCLUDE:1 YANNLII faucet,Installation of accessories,2 pcs 20" U.S. standard size hoses and 1 drain.30- DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE,Customers can and get ed for any reason.
説明: Specification
残り 1 点 18790.00円
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翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く
お届け日: 発送日目安は1~2日後 (明日12:00のご注文まで)
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32920.00 円
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18810.00 円
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